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Associació Escola de Clown, Pontós, 17773 Girona, España escoladeclown@gmail.com +34 693972230
Online Clown Learning Videos
"The Zero State, Playing with the Audience and the Flop"
Super Clown News!
For the first time you can see for free nearly one whole video of Clara' s Online Clown Course!
Now you can see for yourself how in- depth, fun and easy this way of learning Clowning is!
The video we have chosen is the first one of the 2nd ClownPack, "Relating to the Audience, the Big Baby"
This Online Clown Course created by the director of the International Clown School Escola Cal Clown, is unique and has helped many students all over the world!
If, after watching this video, you wish to hear the instructions to do the exercise, to send your video and to receive Clara' s feedback (even twice if necessary), you can do so for the price of €50!
And, of course, you can get the rest of the videos of the Online Course!
For more info:escoladeclown@gmail.com or WhatsApp 0034693972230
Join our Online Clown Course that is being enjoyed by students from all over the planet! From Australia to Canada, Germany to the USA, Catalonia and Spain, for a year all kinds of people are learning fast and understanding what being a Clown is really about!
You can set your own schedule and do the work at your own rhythm. Also, you will be able to read, listen, and watch all the information as many times as you wish, while in a course in person you may not even remember what the teacher said!
In Part Two of the First ClownPack you will start recording yourself both in the street and indoors, and sending this homework to Clara to get your feedback. So, aside from receiving a very detailed and fun explanation about every single component of Clowning, both spiritual and practical, you will have hours and hours of guided practice.
The contents of the First ClownPack of the Online Clown Course are now available for you as separate videos, so you can get a taste of what the online learning experience is like before committing to the whole course.
See below for contents and prices
Now you will be able to have easier access to Clara’s fascinating teachings and discover how easy, fun, enriching and exciting it is to be a Clown!
I hope to be able to share this journey with you!
Contents of the First ClownPack of the Online Clown Course
There are 9 Videos in this First ClownPack, all with their own exercises.
The homework of the first videos is more about feeling, observing and reflection. By the end of the ClownPack the student is already doing Clown exercises with the nose and the costume on, and recording it so Clara can watch it.
The exercises given are either to be done with a small audience indoors, or in the street.
First ClownPack: List of Videos
Part One
14 min Video called “You and Your Clown”
14 min Video about “Innocence”
21 min Video called “Joy”
15 min Video called “Incorrection”
16 min Video called “Simple and Positive Thinking part 1”
20 min Video called “Simple and Positive Thinking part 2”
In Part One you will send written reflections on your experiences, you will receive feedback in return and you will be able to talk to Clara several times if you wish.
Part Two
44 min Video called “ClownBirth”, with the homework of sending Clara a video of your own ClownBirth; you will receive at least half an hour of feedback and you will be able to talk to Clara if you wish.
20 min Video called “The Clown Costume”, with the assignment of sending Clara pictures and video of several costumes, created as explained in the video. After they are finished, you will receive homework to do with the costumes on; you will receive at least an hour of feedback and you will be able to talk to Clara if you wish.
75 min Video called “The Zero State, the Heart and Admiration”, plus homework that requires sending back two videos of half an hour with the exercises; you will receive at least an hour of feedback and you will be able to talk to Clara if you wish.
The Online Clown Course is available in English, Spanish or Catalan!
More info: escoladeclown@gmail.com
Video Prices
First part
1. You and your Clown - € 25
2. Innocence - € 25
3. Joy - € 25
4. Incorrection - € 25
5. Simple and Positive Thinking first part - € 25
6. Simple and Positive Thinking second part - € 25
(Both Simple and Positive videos - € 40)
Second part
7. Clown Birth - 44min - 45 €
8. Clown Costume - 20min - € 45
9. The Zero State, the Heart and Admiration –75 min - € 50
First part
Total € 160 separately
The 6 videos together € 120
Second part
Total € 140 separately
The 3 videos together € 100
Discount price € 200 when you buy both parts before you start
Second and Third Clownpacks coming soon!
And if you are interested in having Clara help you create your show, give you advice and/or direct you online, write to us!
You can also receive personalised Clown Coaching Online, whatever your level of clowning may be!
This unique course, created by the founder and director of the Escola de Clown de Barcelona (currently called Escola de Clown "Cal Clown"), proves that not only can you learn Clowning on your own, but that doing it online has a lot of advantages.
“If you had any doubts about whether you could learn clowning at a distance, they will disappear when you start this course” (Jon Davison, director of London Clown School and author of ‘Clown Training – a practical guide’)
After 23 years of Clowning, since I started with Phillipe Gaulier,
After 15 years teaching Clown,
After 10 years running the international Escola de Clown,
After 8 years of living with my students on the residential courses at Cal Clown....
I felt I had to bring together the knowledge accumulated over all these years,
And make it easy for people to enjoy it,
So I decided to create an Online Clown Course!
Technology at the service of Clowning - great!
Another way of making this journey,
The Journey to YOU, your Clown, your JOY, and your wonderful Shows…
Your wish to be a Clown is my guide, my strength, my FUN!
So let's connect, let's discover, let's learn, let's PLAY!
“Clara’s teaching videos and other materials are at once educational, entertaining, charming and insightful. Teacher, performer, guide and thinker, all rolled into one! Clara’s commitment to each student as an individual is exceptional.” (Jon Davison)
An immensely enriching experience in which to learn how to clown with autonomy and your own criteria, with the constant support of your teacher along the journey.
Do you have experience performing clown, but feel you sometimes lose touch with your Clown? This course is ideal for reconnecting with your innocence, stupidity and joy in your interactions with audiences and with yourself!
Not only will you receive personalised feedback on each stage of your learning, but also some homework tasks will be personalised in order to address each individual’s needs, requirements and “idiotsyncrasies”.
Enrol now and work at your own pace, from anywhere in the world!
Do you want to learn one of the professions which is most fun and most healing both for you and others?
Without having to travel for it and at your own pace?
And all this taught by a professional of many years’ experience!
On this course you will receive:
Continual tutoring from Clara Cenoz to help you learn and assimilate what a Clown is and what you should do to connect with your Clown.
Who is this course for?
For those who are curious about Clowning and haven’t yet been able to do a course.
For those who want to work on Clowning in more depth with the help of a skilled professional, having already attended some courses previously.
For those who already work with Clowning and who want to acquire more tools and a greater awareness of their work.
Who will help you?
Clara Cenoz has been a Clown since 1993 and a teacher for 15 years. She has been director of the Escola de Clown de Barcelona since 2006. During that time she has helped hundreds of students from all over the world to encounter the Clown and to create unique and personalised numbers.
¨Her generosity in class is unique, and her ability to support you at those moment when you feel uncomfortable. She knows how to communicate a lot of information without you feeling overwhelmed. She supports you a lot during the work and at the same time leaves you lots of room to create and decide for yourself. She knows how to make you feel safe. There is a lot of love in her way of teaching.” (student on the October 2016 course)
Some comments from students already enrolled on the course:
“Clara is a genius! Worth every penny” (Hernan, USA)
“I had a lot of fun during the session! Thank you so much! I flew my day on a cloud of joy. And now I have a new drive for my clowning. And clarity. And: it is super fun with you! You are a great teacher! You give me back this feeling of 'oh, that's easy'. Not every clown teacher does that with me. It's a great gift.” (Amber, Belgium)
“I am starting to do more often what I love doing and bring me fun... I am singing in public...The people’s reaction is most of the time so great!! I am feeling from the inside to outside...If I have fun everyone around me seems to be under the influence of fun, too:)
I am learning about myself, meeting myself and connecting so much more... AND IT JUST STARTED!!” (Tobi, Germany)
"The videos are amazing! Such a wonderful course!
Watching the video again and taking notes! These will help not only with clowning but with life too!” (Brenda, USA)
“Love the videos! So much fun stuff in them!!” (Javier, Spain)
“Sometimes I have a really good gig and sometimes I have some that I feel were not as good. the ones that are the best are the ones where I would actually do some of the things you talk about but without realizing it....after gigs I ask myself ‘why did this gig go better then this other gig?’ but now that I’m aware of what made them work, it’s going to help a lot! also now there is so much more stuff to try and learn!” (Brenda, USA)
"Thank you! I loved the videos I have seen so far and your support is perfect" (Tobi, Germany)
“What a great start in to the clown workshop! I was reading the pdf in a bus ... I had to laugh a lot about it… right there other people started to laugh with me, some were even crying of laughter!” (Sam, Germany)
“After watching your videos I think that the concept of innocence and joy are so important. Your way of getting to innocence, joy and the clown is an inner path. Many people will do everything to avoid this, because they have fear to change. So I think even if you are advanced, you need a lesson in innocence because it is making you fresh and unique. In our times it may be the most important task to learn, to be innocent again. If you want to be intact, no change at all, just show me the tricks to be funny, show me the gags, then you will fail to be clown.”
And from Jon Davison, “Once you’ve made some advances in your clowning, beyond the first encounter with the clown - it’s easy to forget the fundamentals: stupidity, innocence, joy – I’d highly recommend this course to anyone serious about clowning, no matter what experience you have”
And once you’ve completed Level One, you’ll be able to go onto Level Two, …. and very soon we will be creating and directing your numbers!
And if what you’re looking for is directing for your numbers you are already creating or performing, Clara offers Online Clown Directing, see here for details.
Also in this First ClownPack there is a list of books and films recommended by Jon Davison.
Once the reservation has been made the student will be asked to sign a form to protect the material sent, committing to respect the property and privacy of the Escola de Clown, and to send a photocopy of their identity card or passport.
After that the only technical requirements to start the course are to have an email address and a Youtube account (if you don´t have one you can easily make one). There are other things like having a Facebook account, phone or WhatsApp, that can help communication but are not necessary. In this First ClownPack you will need to use a video camera to record yourself.
If you wish to reserve your place on the Online Course you can make your payment to:
Clara Guillermina Huerta Cenoz
Caixa d' Enginyers
Also via PayPal: escoladeclown@gmail.com
(option Family and Friends)​
Any commissions generated by the payment are the student’s responsibility.
If you wish any more information, please write to us at escoladeclown@gmail.com