para ver mis videos, sígueme en
Associació Escola de Clown, Pontós, 17773 Girona, España escoladeclown@gmail.com +34 693972230
Clown Messenger
Do you want to send a message in a very special, funny and original way?
Do you want to cheer someone up who’s a bit down, or say hello to someone you haven’t seen for a long time, or simply surprise your friends and family?
The Clown Messenger will do it for you!
How does it work?
It’s very easy!
Send her a message on her page, or on WhatsApp, and let her know what you want to say and the name of the receiver and she will video your personalised message!
You can send it to your receiver yourself, or, if you prefer, have the Clown Messenger do the sending!
You can get your videos for only €30!
The videos can be in English, Spanish, or Catalan, and last between 2 and 3 minutes; if you want other lengths, let the Clown Messenger know!
Are you ready? The Clown Messenger is coming to help you!
telf/WhatsApp (+34) 693972230
Email: escoladeclown@gmail.com
Página Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theclownmessenger
Clown Messenger
What’s that? is it a plane? no!!! is a bird? no!!!! is a flying saucer? no!!! it’s ...
Clown Messenger!!!!
Do you want to send someone a message and don’t know how?
Do you want to give an original present to someone dear?
Do you want to surprise someone who you haven’t seen for ages?
Do you want to send someone a message of hope?
Or do you have something special to tell someone and don’t know how? Or ... are ashamed?
Don’t worry!!! Because here to help you is ... Clown Messenger!!!!
Clown Messenger will deliver your message in the most original and fun way you can imagine, and fully customised!
For children and adults!
What you have to do for Clown Messenger to help you?
1st step: write to her and tell her your idea.
2nd step: she'll answer you asking for information needed to help, and will suggest a way to deliver your message.
3rd step: Once you've agreed on the form and date your message will be sent, you can send the payment so that work can start on creating your video.
4th step: she will send you the video in the agreed time, and you will have your personal message ready!
5th step: you tell the Clown Messenger what the reaction of the recipient has been :-)
Clown Messenger adapts her look to your idea and creates a unique video for you with the information you provide. She will put herself in your shoes so that the message is as real and as fun as possible, and try to capture the essence of the receiver and of your message, in order to reach their heart.
These Clown Messenger messages are only possible due to her great love for people even if they are unknown to her. She wants to convey your message in the best way possible ... this will certainly surprise and create a lasting memory for the person who receives it ...
For children, the Clown Messenger is a bearer of magic that connects directly to their imaginary world.
Dare to do something totally original!
Clown Messenger can send messages in Catalan, Spanish, English and French, but the language that she speaks best is humor!
The videos will be approximately 5 to 15 minutes long, depending on how much information you provide.
To contact the Clown Messenger, write to escoladeclown@gmail.com