para ver mis videos, sígueme en
Associació Escola de Clown, Pontós, 17773 Girona, España escoladeclown@gmail.com +34 693972230
Short Courses
Weekends, weeks, introductory, training, devising, dirrecting numbers and social clowning

"How to make the audience laugh by being yourself, and not die trying"
Course from 22nd-25th August 2023, arrival at 6pm on the evening of the 21st, departure on the 26th.
Price for 5-day course (includes course with a minimum of 6 hours of class per day; and accommodation; the food will be at the student's expense - shopping will be organised together so as to be the cheapest possible)
250 euros if you enrol (paying full amount) before 5th August
300 euros if you enrol later
Deadline for payments: 15th August
Maximum number of students for each course: 16.
To reserve your place you need to send the course cost, and you will receive several videos of Clara's online course, and various tasks to prepare for the course 😉
No experience required. This unique and intensive residential course is for anyone who wants to rediscover their pleasure in playing, and reconnect with your innocence. You will experience the joy of finding and accepting your failure, and of using your own ridiculousness in your favour. Flop and laugh at yourself and you will make others laugh! We will admire each other for our own stupidity, and together make fools of ourselves.
What message does your clown have for humans? And how can you convey it in a poetic and/or comic way?
Or, how to use your talents or your inabilities to create a clown act? What if we do it with music?
Or with a character?
We will try different types of numbers until we find the ones that resonate best with you!
Clara will help you realize how easy it is to create a clown number, and all the possibilities that you have being the way you are!
The hours of work will be at least six daily, but you can use the tent and the exterior space outside of those hours.
We will do at least one trip out to practise with audience, in the street or a centre.
The natural environment at Cal Clown is very beautiful and helps to disconnect from your life concerns, and to focus on your creative work.
You will also receive, prior to the course, some of my private online clown videos, with optional homework in them.
The classes will take place in the beautiful spacious circus tent at Cal Clown.
The accommodation will be in the farmhouse at Cal Clown, in shared rooms of 4, or in a tent outside, or in your van if you bring one.
If you wish to join this course, please write to escoladeclown@gmail.com or WhatsApp +34 693972230 and tell me why you want to do the course, and your relationship with clowning so far.
via PayPal: escoladeclown@gmail.com
(option Family and Friends)
Or to:
Account name: Clara Guillermina Huerta Cenoz
IBAN: BE33967299476146
Bank name: Wise
Bank address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels 1050, Belgium
You can find full information about the course here: https://escoladeclown.wixsite.com/escoladeclown/short-courses
To see Clara as a clown, click here 😉: https://youtu.be/kWEAVoFV3Gw
To see Cal Clown, click here: https://youtu.be/2GcKhT-lNaA
For more info and reservations, write to escoladeclown@gmail.com or 0034 693972230
CLARA CENOZ: I have been living for Clowning during the last 30 years, learning it, performing it, analysing it, teaching it and finally creating and running the Escola Internacional de Clown “Cal Clown” in Girona, Catalonia (Spain) in the middle of nature for the last 14 years, with students from all over the world learning and creating shows in record time! 5 years ago I started teaching and directing numbers online and I have created a series of 11 videos to learn Clown, with tasks and feedback included.
“The Clown happily holds the torch of hope, and lights the audience’s hearts with it.” (Clara)
“Clara’s student-centred approach combines her deep intuition with decades of practical experience as a clown and teacher, enabling her to guide you, whoever you are and wherever you are at, along your own unique path to the joy of clowning, all the way to finished performances if that’s where you are heading.” (Jon Davison, London Clown School)
Living with clowns for a week, this is priceless and leaves you with an undeniably great after-feeling, and a breath of joy in your heart ❤️
If you’d like to see Clara’s latest clown videos, go here, only in Spanish at the moment: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071882807819
Find more comments of students on her teaching here:
"Cosmic Humour" Workshop in September in Girona
What if we realised what we really are, eternal Consciousness and Love?
How would this affect our perception of our current life?
Seeing things from our Consciousness helps us to relativise everything that happens to us, and to understand that everything has a meaning 🙏...
We have much more power than we realise!!!!!!
How can we free ourselves from the limited vision of our ego, and from the trap of the biographical "I"?
How can we lose our fears? Realising that there is nothing to fear!
If we connect with the Love that we are, we will feel supported by Life ♥️
We have the "enemy" inside, and our weapons to defeat them are Humour and Love, from Consciousness 🙏 We laugh at them with affection and tickle them, and thus we take away all their strength 🥰🤣...
We came to play but we forgot... and, above all, we forgot how great we are 🙏
The Clown's innocence helps us rescue our inner child and free ourselves from the slavery of the logical and rational mind.
It's time to recover...and to rest from the reincarnation cycle...(For those who feel this way, of course 😉🤣)
Let's open the exit door 🙏
With some Clown exercises, some meditations, lots of games and laughter, lots of hugs and knowing winks, some meditations and, perhaps, some regression to past lives, we will be able to distance ourselves from the limited vision that leads us to suffering and remaining trapped in this "illusion".
Let's seek the Truth and free ourselves from the lie that we live 😉
Workshop only for the brave who are willing to laugh at the self-importance and seriousness of the ego, no matter how much it hurts 🤣... but knowing that the reward is much greater ♥️... and who want to leave the role of victim and to become creators 🥰 ...
Each participant will decide how much they want to expose their life to the sweeping power of HuAmor 🙏😉
This is a nature retreat in Girona, on September 22nd, 23rd and 24th (arrival on 21st and departure on 25th)
Price for the 3 days of intensive workshop, accommodation for 4 nights and 3 daily meals plus dinner on the 21st: 300 euros. (The food is vegan)
Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/taller-de-humor-cosmico/668275648138174/
If you prefer to do a Clown only workshop you can come in August:
If you want to try an online workshop with me:
To see photos of the place, or to know more about me, www.escoladeclown.eu
If you want to organize a Clown or Cosmic Humour workshop for me where you live, contact me 😉and check here: https://escoladeclown.wixsite.com/escoladeclown and here:
To see my clown videos, follow me on
Contact: +34 693972230 (quicker via WhatsApp) or escoladeclown@gmail.com
I am Clara and I have been giving Clown workshops for 23 years, and since 2006 I have been running the Cal Clown International Clown School, which has been in Girona in the middle of the forest for 15 years🌲🌲🌺🌻🌼
I asked my clown to make a video about the humour of this game/illusion we are in, and curiously it lasts 5min, the same as a lifetime on Earth from our eternity 🤣🥰... (see video here: www.escoladeclown.eu )
Cosmic kisses 🤣😘😘
CLARA CENOZ: I have been living for Clowning during the last 30 years, learning it, performing it, analysing it, teaching it and finally creating and running the Escola Internacional de Clown “Cal Clown” in Girona, Catalonia (Spain) in the middle of nature for the last 14 years, with students from all over the world learning and creating shows in record time! 5 years ago I started teaching and directing numbers online and I have created a series of 11 videos to learn Clown, with tasks and feedback included.
What is my joy in teaching and what do I focus on?
What I most enjoy in teaching is trying to "see" the student as much as I can, in order to help them "be" who they really are, without any self-judgement or self-denial. Once that is done the person can express their uniqueness, geniality and vulnerability, which not only makes them very happy, but the audience too. The student guided with enough reassurance and positivity can do this pretty quickly. It' s a natural process, and even if we have buried our inner joy and our true heart expression under tons of negativity or prejudices, the heart is always willing to express itself and has an enormous amount of energy available.
Who we really are is always beautiful, but we have been taught to think otherwise, and we have created much uglier structures to cover ourselves up.
So, by doing this "peeling" process, we will learn to feel safe showing ourselves in front of the audience, and that is healing for everybody in the situation.
When the student finds that safety in being vulnerable, and starts enjoying it and playing with it, is when I feel happy 😁.
From there, we find the ways for our light to shine more, and in which kind of activities. And we will start exploring how humour works and what its function is.
One of the reasons that made me say "yes" to clowning a long time ago, was the freedom found in truly laughing at myself, and at all the conditioning related to being a woman. I thrived in being "allowed" to be silly, stupid, gross or "not pretty or sexy". I think that there are few pleasures in life as liberating as laughing at our silly thoughts or silly emotions, if done from love and embracing our human absurdity. For me, that IS love. Even more: loving laughter takes the issue at hand and elevates it, creating something beautiful that wasn’t there before.
A true Clown elevates people’s vibration. It reflects the audience’s humanity, with all its pain and struggle, and by embracing it with acceptance, love, heart and humour, takes it to a higher place of Joy. Joy and Presence destroy immediately any negativity. This process shows people that there is nothing wrong, we are ok, everything is ok. It' s profoundly freeing and beautiful, and humour is the Clown’s ally to achieve success in this.
The only thing a student needs to do is to achieve some awareness of all this, and then put it into practice. It actually is very easy to do, and once you’re there and you get how easy it is, your creativity starts flowing! You realise that, as long as you follow your heart, you can do anything as a Clown! Even if you don’t know how to do it!
Observing reality and finding a loving and funny way of representing it, showing the absurdity implied in it with innocence, and offering a positive and enlightening solution to it, is one of the most stimulating creative processes you can go through. The challenge is to not focus on the negative, and to transform it into light. How do you do that? Ah, that I must show you in practice, it’s something that needs to be done, not explained 😂
I can' t think of a better thing to do for people than to help them get out of limiting structures, and reminding them of the solutions they have forgotten 😉. That' s my job as a teacher, and that will be your job as a Clown 😉.
The Clown happily holds the torch of hope, and lights the audience’s hearts with it.
I could go on for hours about this 😂. If you want to hear more, you can wait for me to write a book (no idea when that will happen 😂) or come to my classes.
Love, Laughter & Freedom for us ♥️
“Clara’s student-centred approach combines her deep intuition with decades of practical experience as a clown and teacher, enabling her to guide you, whoever you are and wherever you are at, along your own unique path to the joy of clowning, all the way to finished performances if that’s where you are heading.” (Jon Davison, London Clown School)
To read and see more about Clara' s teaching:
“The course that I had the luck to take part in at Cal Clown was full of emotions, play, fun, friendship and a location where doing exercises in nature was wonderful. A great experience for me and my clown. If you want to give your clown a good time … Cal Clown is a unique opportunity.” (Alex)
Find more comments of students on her teaching here:
To see pictures of the school and courses:
To read about conditions for staying at Cal Clown:
About the courses
Give yourself a present and come and enjoy a few days living a beautifully intense experience, which is healing, fun and enriching!
Surrounded by nature and great people, we will disconnect and centre on ourselves and our joy and feelings, and on how we can bring more happiness to others 💟
We will make connections between ourselves even though we will maintain distance, the tent is immense and open, and you can eat and sleep in the house or outside if you prefer, or bring your van, or use a Cal Clown caravan, or a camp in a tent.
We will go to the river to refresh ourselves, and to the city to spread joy 😁
We will start from zero, from the foundations of the Clown. We will rediscover our pleasure in playing, and we will reconnect with our innocence. From that place we will realise that, as we are not hiding anything, as we are innocent like children, we are loved by the audience. It´s then when our Clowns are born, when we consciously give ourselves the freedom to be who we are, perfect in our imperfection, beautiful in our naivety and clumsiness.
You will live a Clown birth in the middle of Nature.
We will go to Figueres with our Clowns to make new friends ;-)
We will watch films and our own videos of class and the street.
What makes us funny, which are the necessary elements to be a good clown and which is the secret formula of the clown to always have success.
We will work on the fundamentals of Clown:
Pleasure. The pleasure we have in play, in being alive. How to recognise it and maintain it, what happens when you lose it and what to do then.
The Flop. What it is exactly. What happens when the Flop comes and what to do then.
The trick to having certain success. How it works and why, if you do it well, it is impossible to fail in Clown.
Innocence. Redefining this concept, and becoming aware of why it is vital for the Clown, and which results we can achieve by being more innocent.
Clown courses at Cal Clown for all
“There is nothing like Clowning to remind us that life, no matter how difficult it may seem, is always a game, and that we can keep the spirit of playing alive if we live our life fully, and then learn to let go and reconnect with Joy. Joy is always there for us, regardless of the circumstances, it´s what we are made of, it´s what Clowns “are”. When a person learns this, not only their life changes but they can offer this Joy to others.“ (Clara Cenoz)
For those who do not intend to dedicate themselves professionally to Clown, the short course constitutes a very enriching experience as well as serving to liberate prejudices and fears, leading to greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.
We will put on a red nose in order to remove our masks, to be re-born as clowns. We will admire each other for our stupidity and together will make fools of ourselves, enjoying the healthy craziness and innocence of the clown. We will work on the next concepts in practice: pleasure, flop, emptiness, the “not knowing”, the simplicity of the mental process of the Clown. We will explore, investigate and demonstrate what is it really that makes us funny, and what aspects we need to develop in our Clowns to make them work. We will understand the simple but effective formula to always have success as Clowns.
A workshop aimed at those who want to discover or continue searching for their clown, for those who want to be freer, to accept themselves completely and to take full responsibility for their whole being, in order to be better Clowns. It could be a transforming and enlightening experience, and for sure a very fun and enriching time.
At Cal Clown we work on Clown in depth and rigorously, expecting from students commitment, passion and dedication, which is the only way, we believe, to achieve all the benefits of this profession/state of being, whether professionally or as a spiritual path. Making people laugh through Love is a serious business, in our opinion.
A course at Cal Clown is a complete experience where Nature will aid in freeing your Clown, and where living together with other Clowns will intensify the experience and accelerate your learning.
More info and enrolment: escoladeclown@gmail.com and +34 693972230 (tel. or WhatsApp)
Come and spend some days in the company of fellow clown-lovers. As well as laughing at ourselves and each other in clown class, we will share living, cooking, eating and playing in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings of Cal Clown in the middle of nature. A unique collaborative experience, where play and work merge!